
Thursday, 4 August 2011

About Stretch Marks

It’s a fact of life; many women will end up with stretch marks. This happens to men as well, and both sexes may want to know what they can do about these red marks that have popped up on various parts of their bodies. You can't really get rid of them, but there are some things you can do to prevent them. 

The most common reason these happen is pregnancy. In many cases, there is nothing you can do about stretch marks once they form. You can however, try to keep your skin moisturized. This will help keep your skin more elastic. This may not prevent the marks, but it may lessen the amount you get. Stretch marks also occur with sudden weight gain not related to pregnancy. When you think about stretch marks, you may not realize they can occur anywhere. When a person suddenly has gained weight, the skin cannot grow to accommodate the new size fast enough, and these marks can occur anywhere on the body.

[Image: stretch_marks.jpg]  
Ask your doctor about stretch marks. In many cases, they will tell you there is nothing you can do about these red and pink marks, and you just have to live with them. Most start out bright pink or red, but will fade to a less noticeable color over time. If you are still wondering about stretch marks and various remedies on the market, it may be up to you if you would like to spend you money finding out which will work and which will not.

Your doctor is your best source for information, so talk over any remedy you would like to try with him or her first. If you do a search about stretch marks, take each remedy with a grain of salt. You may find many do not totally eliminate the stretch marks, but many may help them fade. This is not a perfect solution, but it may help you feel better about your body and about stretch marks.

Another thing to consider about stretch marks is where they have appeared on your body. Upper arm and stomach stretch marks may be the most worrisome. If they have appeared in a place that may never see sunlight, you may not even want to bother with them. When it comes to worrying about stretch marks and how your body looks, remember that they most likely do not bother your spouse. Often, they are a reminder that you gave birth to a precious child, and your husband may see that as a beautiful reminder of that event.
No one is more critical of your body than you. If you are worried about stretch marks, talk to you spouse about them. You may find they aren’t worried in the least and that they love you just the way you are. If you decide you just can’t live with them, go ahead and give a lotion or cream a try, just remember to talk to your doctor first, and don’t expect them to completely disappear.

Cont.... Although there are many people who want to know about stretch marks and how to treat them, unfortunately there is very little information available. There are thousands of products out there that claim that they can treat stretch marks, but in fact, unless you really want to spend all of the money to try all of these creams, unctions, and ointments, hoping against hope for a cure, you are really all out of luck. There have yet to be any comprehensive studies about stretch marks, and so there is not all that much know about how to cure this unattractive and inconvenient condition. Unless you want to spend all of the money required for laser treatment of stretch marks, you are really probably going to be forced to live with them on your body for the rest of your life, whether you like it or not. This is not the grimmest of fates.

Although there are many people who worry about stretch marks, the fact is that they are really in most cases not all that noticeable. They occur, generally, on areas of the torso, and are faint, kind of wavy lines that are hard to see, except from closeup. They will rarely, if ever, show up on the face, or parts of the body that are subject to frequent display, so unless you spend your days at the beech, there is no reason to worry about stretch marks at all.

Honestly, I did not even know about stretch marks until we had our first child. Childbirth is a frequent cause of stretch marks among women, although it is surely not the only one. Certain stresses to the skin, such as weight gain, child birth, the onset of puberty, or other stresses, can overcome the ability that the skin has to stretch under pressure, causing the scar tissue that is known as stretch marks. 

There is not much you can do about stretch marks – they will fade with time if you lose weight, or have given birth, or whatever, but will never really go all the way away. Nonetheless, it has been 6 years since we had our kid, and I will tell you that, despite the fact that I have never really cared enough about stretch marks to buy any of those creams, they have faded almost all of the way away on my wife. Unless you are looking, you can't tell they are there.

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